NGUYEN THUY ANH Beginner | | Đăng ký:
02/12/2015 Tham gia:
02/12/2015 Điểm:
231 Bài:
46 |
Golan the insatiable will never have a traditional season finale. How you can have anything approaching normal to see your star is a disgraced lord giant, devoted acolyte goth is my son, and all kinds of chaos Greek thought on a suburban Minnesotan unsuspecting citizens? If anything, I was preparing for an episode that resolved completely out of the television sector is expected, but what we get in this finale is a lot more exciting main determination because it takes tropes out for season finales and put his whirling on them.
First there flashback opening, act as a cover story originated Dylan has become the revenge hungry girl and continuous bitter today. The usual rules of origin applicable flashback; Dylan's past is completely different from what we know about his scary face. She answered the door with a lovely pink bow on his head and eyes wide with innocence, it is almost surprising that people turned out in front of her house. Waiting with his jersey hockey dopey, present and lisp teenager's current boyfriend Keith Alexis. It was clear to some kind of extra-curricular activities, the kind that teenagers make when they need something to pad out your résumé and / or keep them out of trouble while their parents are doing work, but there is definitely some sort of love between two people, and it is only a matter of time before it crashes and burns. Enter Alexis, and his first tubes and molds in all teenage girls her glory, her bug eyes set on becoming popular. She immediately grasp Keith from Dylan, and therefore an incurably tween revenge was born.
Stray observations: I knew there was some drama in the voice cast as the program moved from ADHD Fox primetime, but this finale, Fox did a good crowd. Aubrey Plaza is especially great at flipping the switch from evil to innocence. In addition, Maria Bamford Shoutout to Carol's mother, who alternately sweetest and most stable, but there are always plenty of solid advice. ( "What did I say to you two of the battle to the death in the house?") Getting wasted in a quarry is another thing entirely to teens. In addition, the followup: why I never wasted in a quarry?! The science teachers are trying to dissect the Golan has only fireworks going off in his face was unexpected laughter and largest of this episode. "I can tzatziki your order?" Well, of course you can, Falafel House. "Too bad I'm not gay, everyone said it would be better for them." From there it makes a finale cliché: the big discos. But the program made a smart choice by forcing the homecoming (ie "pre-coming") boat Golan king quest to get something similar to power, he was in its old space back. If he can not be king of a random falafel cart in a mall Minnesotan, he would be a king at a high school dance. His campaign was homecoming king can easily bring up the rest of the episode, but the program is more ambitious. Instead, it unleashes a furious Dylan to the world when she pulled out all the stops to keep the girls horrified her from attracting an important person in her life at the world's gross political high school popularity. First, Dylan had a suggestion from her mother, who said sliding teenage pregnancy kept her from finishing school. Dylan pregnant cast on Golan who, to his credit, abrupt loss of pregnancy in the third trimester of her stride. "I usually nine months pregnant?!" he asked, before basically shake and carry on with it. It enables young people to think ending his teen pregnancy is cool, because really, Dylan should know better than to predict what teenagers can be valid at any time brain.
Even aside from all the glorious decompress tired cliché, though, Dylan and Gollens codependent relationship is so well defined even only six episodes in which they fight is actually pretty uncomfortable. Then it's straight-up scary, like Golan draw upon its huge capacity, and Dylan reveals a black actual arsenal attached to her chest. That is an example of how this program can take something like friendship, turning it into an all wars, and still make it weirdly moving. For Dylan, Golan represents something much more interesting and valuable and stupid Keith with his fingers foam never can be: an empathetic person. For Golan, Dylan is a real allies who, for reasons unknown to him and many others, is completely devoted to him. Unable to take the other, but each is just about the most twisted, and therefore, they expressed their feelings with total gun battle.
From there, it's really chaotic. Dylan Keith kidnapped so she could put the election homecoming king against Golan. This turned out to mean forced Keith to a "continuous vegetative state" in the hope of ensuring sympathy vote is very important. And she was right! Even dumb pregnant Golan could not resist twisting shaped biscuits Keith cram into a wheelbarrow as a draft of Picasso. Then, to round out the season finale and cliched teen dance, Golan students on the dance floor. But again, this is the Golan was talking about, so the baby turned out to be a terrifying hybrid of both he and Dylan. The creature had a face melted, legs like a spider, and an insatiable appetite for teenage Minnesotan. The bonds unnecessary bloodshed and Dylan St. Golan back together, as it always has and always will be, and when they stare at their children twisted "President penis," no doubt that two of them were made to be partners in crime and the bloody legacy. If you turn off the part of your brain that knows right from wrong, there really is something touching about it.